Algi 30-Day Spirulina Challenge Day 11 to Day 20

20 recipes down, 10 to go!
Recipe #11 - Spirulina “Fish” Tacos
- 1 block of medium-soft tofu
- 1 flax egg (1 tbsp ground flax, 3 tbsp lukewarm water)
- 1 tbsp onion powder
- 1 tbsps Jamaican jerk spice
- 1 tbsp Algi spirulina powder
- 1 cup flour
- 1 cup Panko bread crumbs
Mix tofu with dry ingredients, add wet ingredients, roll the mixture into fish stick sized rolls and freeze for 30 minutes. Remove and fry in your fave oil.
The taco filling was cabbage & carrots fried in Jamaican jerk spice.
This recipe definitely needs work. It was too soft, didn’t fry well, the tofu broke apart, and we couldn’t find corn tortillas–which was such a travesty! However, this recipe has a lot of potential. It mimicked the fish smells and flavour really well, especially given the low number of ingredients we used. The fish smell was so apparent that a roommate asked if we were cooking fish! We did not need to use as much onion powder as we did, and would recommend letting everything sit for longer in the fridge or freezer. We would like to re-try this recipe but make it gluten free. If you’re interested in seeing this recipe again, let us know on Instagram.
Recipe #12 - Algi Tahini Dressing

- 1/2 cup Tahini
- 1 tbsp Algi spirulina powder
- 1 tbsp garlic chili sauce
- 1 tsp salt
- 3 tbsp soy sauce
Add 1/4 cup hot water and stir all ingredients together.
This is a really easy and delicious way of adding Algi spirulina to your diet. Overall, we thought this recipe was great! Although, we would change a few things. For one, spirulina and tahini make a very earthy/umami flavour combination. If this is something you’re into, this is your recipe! Some may find it too overpowering. To rectify the potency of this flavour, we recommend adding just a tsp of Algi spirulina and a tsp of maple syrup to balance out the flavours. A rule of thumb when working with spirulina is that acids and sweets work really well with spirulina, so if you aren’t enjoying how something tastes consider adding apple cider vinegar, citrus, or a syrup of sorts.
Day #13 - The Best Damn Salad Dressing
This one was an immediate success and so delicious! This is now our go-to salad dressing. Clean, simple, delicious!
Day #14 - Algi Spirulina Pesto
We LOVE pasta and we LOVE pesto! The problem with pesto, for obvious reasons, is the dairy. For those that eat dairy, we envy your ability to consume copious amounts of pesto with no consequences. We, unfortunately, do not have the dairy gift. We’re fine with this because there are so many amazing vegan pesto recipes around, such as the one we used for Day #14 by Minimalist Baker.
If the spirulina taste is too strong, try adding just a teaspoon and work your way up to a tablespoon.
Day #15 - Banana Chia Seed Pudding
We said this in our first blog and will say it again, we freaking LOVE chia seed pudding. It’s the greatest, most nutritious, most delicious, and most convenient snack we have ever known. It’s ok if you don’t feel the same way about this succulent snack, but maybe this recipe will change your mind a bit.
Day #16 - Algi Beans on Toast
To be completely honest, we were a bit apprehensive about this recipe. Our apprehension became excitement when we first tried the finished product. The apple cider vinegar (ACV) and lemon added depth to this recipe and brought out the best of the Algi spirulina. This recipe doesn’t need to be on toast, after finishing off our toast we put the leftovers in the fridge for a future midday snack.
Mix all ingredients, grill some good bread, add beans to toast and top with sprouts!
Day #17 - Very Green Quinoa
This meal made us feel good at every stage or preparation to sitting down and finishing it. The freshness of ingredients and green flavours made it so enjoyable to make and eat. This is the perfect meal if you feel like you need a healthy reset. Shallots are also a great alternative to red onions, especially if you free them in a bit of olive oil prior to adding to the bowl.
Cook quinoa with Algi spirulina, add to bowl & mix in all other ingredients.
Day #18 - Algi Mug Cake 2.0
We were never really into mug cakes and we’re not quite sure why. Lately, we’ve become passionate about them and it’s easy to understand why. These easy, quick, and delicious dessert options are the perfect movie night or apres-dinner treat! Compared to the chocolate mug cake in the first 10 days of this challenge, this was sweeter and we actually liked it a bit better. We’re definitely making this again.
Mix dry ingredients, add wet ingredients, microwave for 45 seconds.
Day #19 - Algi Butternut Squash Pasta
Butternut squash pasta has to be one of the best pastas we’ve ever had. The fall/winter flavours make this dish a bowl of warm comfort amid the frosty outdoor temperatures. We figured we should add some Algi spirulina to this dish to bring some green to one of our favourite pasta. The results were so good that our co-founder Devon’s dad ate two servings. We call that a win!
Day #20 - Algi Spirulina Popcorn
We made this the same day as Canada played the US in men’s soccer and the AFC and NFC football championship games went down in the States because we wanted something buttery, salty, and green! Spirulina popcorn sounds unappetizing, believe us because we thought the same thing before making it. Despite the green-ness and differentiation compared to regular movie-butter popcorn, this is worth a try! We won’t be eating this every time we eat popcorn, but it’s going to become something we make at least every two weeks.
Pop popcorn, mix in ingredients, put on a great movie and enjoy!
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